Stay Healthy on the Road and at Home! (Health Care Integration for Touring Professionals)


Eventric is excited to announce our new partnership with Wellvia. Wellvia is an industry leader in the emerging Telehealth space, where they utilize the use of telecommunication and information technologies to provide clinical health care at 24/7, 365 in all 50 States!

WellVia’s Telehealth platform creates a remote doctor consultation with a U.S. based board-certified physician, that can address many of the circumstances that would historically require you to make a conventional, in-person appointment at an urgent care facility or require the expensive services of a “Rock Doc” to visit your venue while on the road.

Fred Kharrazi, Tour Manager of Maroon 5, thinks this service is just what the touring industry needs. “For our 2015 North America run, we utilized Wellvia through Eventric and our team loved the service and quality of care. Hopefully you have a healthy tour but knowing my guys can pick up the phone and immediately connect with a board certified physician, get a diagnosis and a prescription if deemed medically necessary, is great! This saves time and money but most importantly allows my crew to be proactive about their health when touring”.

“The average wait time to see your primary care physician is up to 27 days,” remarked WellVia Co-Founder and President Todd Thoman, “yet 70% of those appointments and 40% of emergency room visits can be handled telephonically with WellVia.”. “WellVia was created to help full time, part time and contract employees gain access to quality care that is affordable, efficient and bi-lingual!”.

WellVia and Eventric have partnered to provide this service to touring professionals at a drastically discounted monthly fee, starting at just $5/person a month. This HIPAA-certified program provides the member with 24/7, 365 telephonic consultations with a U.S.-based physician and a written prescription to a local pharmacy, if the attending physician feels it medically appropriate. As well, the monthly per-person fee also covers up to 6 dependents of the member’s immediate family. When the tour is on hiatus or concluded, individual members even have the opportunity to continue their WellVia coverage until they’re “on the road again”.

To sign up your tour or for more information contact Eventric at (773) 862-4246 or

Stay healthy, touring friends!